Coming Soon!
Freshman Year Experience (FYE) at New England State University is considered a 'joke class' for all first-year students. This new school year, the joke is on the school administration who get more than the bargained after hiring Mcfullashitz to teach the university's FYE evening courses.
Deciding to lecture to his own curriculum, McFullashitz' zeal soon catches the attention of The Office of the Provost. Threatening him with termination unless immediate corrective action is taken, the students quickly rise up in protest, favoring support for McFullashitz' unconventional teaching style and theoretical learning approach.
Tolerating McFullashitz' immense popularity is one thing for the university to grapple with, but quite another when the school's academic reputation becomes embroiled in headline news over the professor's political and anti-institutional view points. Responding to the inferno of controversy set ablaze by McFullashitz, The Board of Regents soon find itself directly under heat to quickly quell and douse the spread of a growing firestorm.

Professor McFullashitz
Coming Soon!
'Student Credit'
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Rebellious Alan McFullashitz is a blue collar by day and an off-the-cuff adjunct professor by night, who uses his position to inspire students to rethink their purpose in life and expose the societal scam of higher education.
Pranking the new maintenance worker is just one of the ways these delinquent teens like to pass their time at North End Gardens, but thats all about to change when new hire Darnell Jackson gets called-in for an 'emergency bursted pipe' on Christmas Eve.
Darnell, a former gangbanger back in the day grew-up fatherless, godless and with a conviction that life was basically meaningless. Now a young man in his mid-thirties, he's only too generous and happy to show these misguided teens, that it going to take more than just twisting a few pipes together to start fixing what's really broken around here.
Finding himself on the wrong side of the fence, Darnell soon finds himself caught-up in a 'us against them battle' over management-tenant relations. Matters quickly worsen when one of the community's beloved youth passes away from a fentanyl overdose. Devastated by the loss, Darnell decides to put HUD's mission statement to the ultimate test "utilizing hosing as platform for improving the quality of life."

The Good Hood
Coming Soon!
'Somebody's Sucker'
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Devastated maintenance worker Darnell Jackson is on a mission to break the rules in order to fix a community's broken hope.
After flunking out of community college and getting fired from his job, 19 year old Jeb (Jebediah) Hillsdale comes to the conclusion that life in eastern Maine is nothing more than a giant lobster trap. Desperate to change his destiny and find his true place in the world, Jeb decides that now is the perfect time to roll with the changes.
Consumed by conspiracy theories, a hatred towards his old man and an ultimatum from his on-and-off girlfriend Miles Young to figure his shit out, Jeb steals away in the middle of the night on his father's prized 1966 Triumph Bonneville motorcycle. Fueled by spite to prove everyone wrong, along with a slightly twisted sense of humor, Jeb suddenly finds himself going to a place called Nowhere on the map.
Upon rolling into town, Jeb first spies local girl Harper Williams balancing gracefully on a fallen tree stretching across a swimming creek. Jeb's charm and charisma quickly wins over a friendship, but Harper's groundedness sets the limits on each other's desires. Hot and hazy afternoons along with star filled nights become the backdrops for exploring destiny, fate and one's place in the world. Jeb's unexpected epiphany has him realizing that nowhere is actually somewhere and that somewhere is actually better than nowhere.

Going Nowhere
Coming Soon!
'One Lonely Night'
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lonely Jebediah Hillsdale escapes Friendship, ME on a quest to find life's meaning and his rightful place in the world.
Fifty men spanning the fifty states will gather for a fifty-week challenge to discover who is the true Champion of The Bucket List! Each week, these contestants will travel to a new state to test their courage, endurance and their will to succeed. Excuses are not an option and previous experience can't guarantee success.
The challenges are both mental and physical in nature. Each week is different, and every challenge on The Bucket List has its own level of risk, uncertainty and triumph. Getting to the right place on time in order to compete that week is only half the battle. The clues on where to meetup for the challenge, and the degree of difficulty for completing each item on the bucket list, will only get harder with each passing week. Missing the weekly roll call and you're out of the game. No Excesses!
There are no retakes and there are no second chances to complete the bucket list. In the end, there can only be one winner and the crown prize for that one winner is a 5 million dollar prize, along with the bragging rights of being the 'Champion of The Bucket List'. Our only question left to ask is - do you have what it takes to complete the Bucket List?

The Bucket List
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'Men's Edition'
Get ready for the ultimate men's challenge.
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Fifty-six year old senior executive and empty nester Ben Reiland is feeling like his life has flown by too quickly. He knows he's been blessed with good health, a beautiful and loving wife, and he's always had the tremendous support of his loving family.
Throughout the years, his professional career has been challenging, kept him on his toes, allowed him to travel here and there and afforded him the opportunity to plan for a fairly comfortable retirement with his wife.
In essence, he wouldn't really change a thing about his life, family or career choices, but he does feel like he's maybe missed his window for the chance to do a few fun and exciting things he always thought he'd have a chance to do when he was a younger man in his 20's, 30's or 40's. You know, guy stuff!
The funny thing is the other night he was watching television with his wife, when a trailer came across the screen for an upcoming reality television show called 'The Bucket List'. The premise sounded incredible and exciting, and he felt like the the promoter was speaking directly to him saying "you can do this - this is your chance you've always been waiting for."
Before he could even open his mouth, his wife spoke up from the couch and said "honey, you should go for that!" Without hesitation, Rick said to her, "I was just thinking the same thing." "No seriously," she said "you should really do it - besides you could win five million bucks if you win!"
The Bucket List
'Men's Edition'

Street Dreams
When the gridlocked Senate steps away from regular session for their summer recess, President Charles Taylor, nicknamed 'Charming Charlie' nabs the opportunity to fill vacant federal positions with humble servants residing in the Washington Highlands neighborhood. With the intent of making a political statement, the newly coined 'DC Playground' becomes more than just a game for the media who is now referring to Taylor as 'King of The Hill'.
To the nations surprise, these appointees get right to work and start making changes that sure to shake the founding fathers out of their graves. Natasha White, the newly appointed director of Homeland Security dubbed, 'Queen Snitch,' along with Kevin Carter, the nation's newest top dog at the FBI, initiate policies that make the Red Scare and the Guided Age seem like the thrilling days of yesteryear.
Looking towards overturning Taylor's recent appointments, the Senate is shocked by the uptick of support in favor of Taylor and his humble servants. Washington seems to be on the verge of constitutional crisis when the consent of the governed comes to a head in the nation's capitol. As work stoppages spread across every major city in the country, foreign adversaries look to take advantage and exploit democracies inherent weaknesses.
Coming Soon!
'King of The Hill'
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Charming Charlie puts the constitution's preamble"We the People" and the articles herein to the ultimate 'democracy' test with his recess appointments.
The ladies of Pleasant Valley have their panties in a twist when these undocumented mothers decide to join their children's local school parent teacher organization (PTO). The president of the group, Susan Whitehall proceeds with amused confusion at first, but quickly turns snappy and snarky after these undocumented mothers start clamoring for justice and bilingual representation.
Frustration builds on both sides as Whitehall tries to explain to these mothers that their parent concerns and questions would be more appropriately directed with the Board of Education. Confused by how the system works, the group's leader, Maria Alvarez continues to voice their group's concerns insisting they've done their part and now it's the school's PTO president job to take these matters before the town Board of Education on the parent's behalf.
When the Board of Education suggests the proposal of separating students into native and english as a second language (ESL) classrooms, anguish and outcry erupts that America is now slipping into a new era of Jim Crowe laws. Maria's hellbent opposition and disgust quickly fuels her mission to unmask and reveal the underlying minority and racial discrimination existing within their community. With media attention now covering the controversy, the group unexpectedly finds help and support from the Anti-Defamation League.

Coming Soon!
Practically Vicious
'Como se dice'
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Undocumented mother Maria Alvarez is picking more than avocados in her dreams, she's sowing the seeds that will one day ripen America's future.

PETA going to have plenty to say when this circus rolls into town? I mean who the clapper is in charge of who? Forget the whips, these untamed animals couldn't find their way out of their own cages even if you paid them. Oh, and speaking of pay, where's all this revenue even going? Box office sales are struggling to find a line, while the concession stands are being overran by an audience demanding more Nutz.
Decentralized film and media has never been wilder, yet the critics seem to be off on safari to avoiding stepping in their own dung piles. Apparently, the guilds and Hollywood missed the latest memo stating that everything on the big screen has recently been turned upside down. The clowns have taken over the show and it's a trapeze act trying to figure out who's in the spotlight, and where this hysterical production train might be heading next.
So, grab your popcorn, because this film crew may be headed to a town near you. The Greatest Show on Earth is more than just a spectacle of excitement and entertainment, it's a three ring circus of the insanely bizarre. The really great news is that the seatings unlimited, and there's no longer that foul Hollywood stench in the air. As for PETA and anyone else in the audience - Yes, it's perfectly ok to feed these animals along the way.
Film Crew
Coming Soon!
'Get that mike out of my ass'
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Shattered Hollywood is taking the walk of shame and begging for more of the action now that this 'Film Crew' is rolling in the credits.

Going Redline
'Amelia Robinson'
'The Happiest Place on Earth' but fasten that Rollcage Walt Disney, because these parental advisories are well beyond the limit.
Content details currently being withheld.

Recently there's been a rash of domestic terrorist acts against soft targets. Law enforcement and the military are befuddled about who might be behind the violence. The only thing for certain is that these attacks are increasing and spreading nationwide. Public opinion quickly places blame on the nation's open border policy. Desperate for any break, the FBI rolls out a 'Look and Listen' campaign, offering up to 10 million dollars in reward money for any information leading to the capture and arrest of the person or the group responsible for these attacks.
Amtrak employees Kofi Armstrong and Connor Smith carpool each day from Fort Hill to South Station. Local radio station Talk 1200 helps to pass commuters' time speculating on the who, where, and when the next attack will take place. Now with the FBI's offer on the table, callers begin dominating the airwaves with their stories on how they would spend their portion of the reward money. The FBI's new 'Look and Listen' campaign might not be producing any real leads, but it sure has South Boston dreaming about a 'ticket to ride' their way out of the commuter blues.
When Connor visits his sister's family in Connecticut for the Easter weekend, he and his 13-year-old nephew Kyle take advantage of the unusually warm springtime temperatures to go for an evening 'walk and talk' on the nearby rail tracks. The passing of his sister's husband a few years back has been hard on the whole family, and particularly hard on his nephew Kyle. Conor tries to do what he can to be the occasional surrogate father and hero figure in Kyle's life, but living out of state has been his excuse for not being around more than he should be; however, that bad habit is about to break after uncovering something he never knew about his nephew Kyle.
Border Derailment
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'Ticket to Ride'
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"Smokin' " Amtrak employee needs to "Hitch a Ride" into Boston's South Station each morning, and it's been a "Long Time" since Connor's had any real "Peace of Mind" or even "More Than a Feeling" that his life will get back on track any time soon.

Coming Soon!
'Fallen Walls'
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Animated ExTrux' characters haul more than just granite around the 'Fallen Walls Mine,' they help move 'The American Dream' forward by sharing their life stories, valuable lessons and roaring laughter.

The unassigned student checkbox for on-campus housing is probably one of the biggest gambles a young adults will face. Chances are pretty good that everything will turn out to be fine in the end. After all, a big part of the on-campus college experience is learning how to get along with others, setting boundaries and resolving issues. Occasionally, the unassigned students get really lucky and their roommate become a friend forever. Every once in a while the system glitches and the roommate match turns out to be nothing short of disastrous.
Incoming freshmen Cooper Hoffman and Bennett Reynolds really didn't have any choice, but to roll the dice and just go with unassigned roommate selection at Harken Methodist University. To each other's surprise, the selection algorithm seemed like it made a pretty good match overall. Both guys were extremely competitive athletes, highly popular with the girls on campus and they both grew up with similar mid-western family values.
Most afternoons the two could be found playing hoops, shooting a round or two of pool or leisurely lounging around the quad and checking out the girls passing by. Motivated by the beautiful fall foliage, the two decided to go for a hike on a nearby mountain. Just after reaching the summit, they discovered something else they had in common. Turns out they both had an insidious tendency towards betting and they both were obsessed by the thrill they derived from risky behavior. In fact, the higher the stakes got - the better the thrill.
Coming Soon!
'Got no Balls'
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Strong friendship leads this bromance on insidious path of dares and risk taking, which ends up with Cooper and Bennett making the ultimate bet of their lives.
The post modernity period is presently upon us and the wicked have woken. The first and second great awakenings now forgotten to the sounds of yawning in high school history class. Our current awakening has faith and religion being swept under the pews by people favoring artificial intelligence and science to provide life's answers. Reasoning and disbelief are the new winds of change. People have increasingly become mad with God, any form of organized religion and other's superior righteousness.
Reverent Michale Thomas of South Kingston Congregation Church started his Sunday sermon with one simple question - 'Why the Lie'. After sitting in the pews for nearly five long minutes with everyone looking around at one another, wondering and bewildered, a little girl named Jessica in the front row finally stood up and said, "Because Hell's Angles aren't just red and white anymore".
Shocked by the little girls answer and tremendous courage, the pastor asked the girl to please come up to the front by the pulpit. Meeting her halfway as she nervously moved forward, Rev. Thomas laid his hands on the girl's shoulders and slowly turned her around so that the whole congregation was now facing the little girl. Thomas with a radiant smile from ear to ear, said "Ladies and gentleman, I believe that this is the child the world has been waiting for".

Coming Soon!
Disbelieving Lies
'Hells Angels'
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Dirty little F@!+# is hiding the truth and these people are mad as hell after discovering the the lie.